Robertson Kennels @ Wiggle Butt Ranch (Also DBA) The Aussie Posse is a hobby breeder in the Puyallup WA area. While we do our very best to provide healthy, quality dogs we are not licensed veterinarians. Our pups are raised on our property with kids and other farm life, and we have them kept away from parasites and diseases to the best of our abilities. All other pets in our homes are vetted regularly and are up to date on vaccinations and parasite control medications. The pups will come with first set of vaccines and de-worming per our veterinarians recommended schedule. While we closely control the environment the pups are exposed to while in our care, we cannot do so once they have been adopted. Once picking up your pup you will have 72 hrs to have the puppy seen by a vet and evaluated (There are many walk in clinics that do not require and appointment). If the vet determines that the puppy is ill or has any genetic defects, excluding normal parasites that are common to the area, you may return the puppy for a full refund of purchase price.
We care very much about all of our dogs and would love pictures and updates to be sent to our facebook page. We strongly believe that a dog is a family member for life. But if for any reason you find that you cannot keep your dog please return it to us for rehoming or contact us for help with a new forever placement. We do not want any of our dogs surrendered to shelters or the humane society.
These puppies are able to be registered through ASDR, CKC, or AKC depending on litter. If you bought on a pet contract then you will be able to receive your puppies papers through the mail upon proof of spay/neuter. All puppies produced by Wiggle Butt Ranch will have the prefix “Wiggle Butt Ranch’s’ or “WBR” before the puppy’s chosen name; example: Wiggle Butt Ranch’s Casper the Friendly Dog. You may also choose to add "Robertson Kennels" as a prefix. Per registry guidelines and per this contract, my kennel name MUST be used as the prefix.
If purchased on a spay/neuter contract and buyer fails to follow through and the dog is bred either by accident or intention, they (buyer) are subject to termination of ownership of said dog and the litter plus any legal fees plus a fine of $1000.00 for our trouble, pursuable in court. If sold on a spay/neuter agreement, this puppy must be spayed/neutered within 1 year of purchase to receive papers.
Sold on a spay/neuter contract? Yes:_______ No:_______ Sold with full rights? Yes:_______ No:________
I have reviewed all health paperwork related to my puppy and its sire and dam and am satisfied that Wiggle Butt Ranch has been open and honest about my puppies’ health and genetic background. I understand that this is a living animal subject to its care and environment and hold Wiggle Butt Ranch blameless in future veterinary care/cost of upkeep. I also understand that health and DNA testing through companies such as Embark, PawPrint Genetics, and Wisdom are not always 100% accurate, and are more of a "for fun" type of testing. I understand that should I be unhappy with Wiggle Butt Ranch for any reason, any slander, defamation, or liable towards Wiggle Butt Ranch or the owners thereof, will be pursuable in court, for fines in a minimum of $2500. All Sales are final and the buyer understands this. The exception is as stated above, should the vet find something wrong within the allotted time frame.
I hereby agree to all of the terms started above, and provide my signature as my statement of agreement:
Breeder signature:__________________________________________Date:______________
Buyer Signature:___________________________________________Date:______________
Puppy D.O.B., gender, breed:___________________________________________________
Coat and eye color:____________________________________________________________
Owners name/address:_________________________________________________________
Phone number:________________________________________________________________
Driver’s License/ID Number, and Expiration Date and State of License: